Eight ‘Performance Bank Hours*’ will be set aside in a Performance Bank (“Callback Reserve”) per service tech upon hire.
One labor hour per week will be added to the Performance Bank per tech. These hours are to cover any question of whether the callback is the fault of the customer, the material, or the tech.
If there is a callback on a job, the tech who did the job is responsible for the callback.
If tech runs his own callback he may use any available labor hours in his Performance Bank to be paid. If he does not have any labor hours in his Performance Bank if he charges time for his callback he will have ‘negative’ Performance Bank Hours which will affect future performance reviews.
If the tech runs a call for another tech’s callback, he may charge his labor hours against the responsible tech’s Performance Bank.
If the Emergency Service Fee paid to the tech for running the call cannot be collected for a call back run after hours for another tech, the Emergency Service Fee will be charged against the responsible tech’s Performance Bank.
Alternatively, the tech running the call may opt to just have the Performance Bank hours transferred to his Performance Bank.
Performance Bank hours may be redeemed for other than callbacks as long as a minimum of 20 hours remains in the Performance Bank after redemption.
Installation callbacks are split between the installer and the selling technician after the job has been inspected by the tech who sold the replacement.
Time off for sick days, short-weeks, or personal time may be redeemed in either 4 hour or 8 hour blocks. Permission must still be obtained for time off and use of hours. Redemption of hours cannot result in greater than 40 hours per week worked (Cannot be used for overtime).
‘Performance Bank Hours’ are not “earned” hours – they are a unit of measure of performance for the company. Therefore they are not taxable until the company grants the hours to be used by the technician at which point they become earned income as incentive pay to reward good performance. The company withholds the right to grant performance bank hours at its sole discretion upon request of the employee or as it deems appropriate. The company also withholds the right to charge other costs against it.
*‘Performance Bank Hours’ are not “earned” hours – they are a unit of measure of performance for the company. Therefore they are not taxable until the company grants the hours to be used by the technician at which point they become earned income as incentive pay to reward good performance. The company withholds the right to grant or remove performance bank hours at its sole discretion upon request of the employee or as it deems appropriate.
Copyright 1/2015 to 6-2021